Multi-party Staking with Threshold Signatures

10 min readDec 14, 2023
Multi-party staking pool party

Among many other things first introduced with Peercoin, such as destroying the transaction fee, a coherent inflation rate, or minimum dust limit, the original authors of Peercoin were also the first to implement Proof-Of-Stake consensus. Staking Peercoin requires a full node and complete blockchain history. To participate in proof-of-stake consensus on Peercoin, a user does not need anything else but a node, some coins and time. In Peercoin’s PoS model, time is the secret sauce — the scarce but energy-efficient resource.

While minting is a plug-and-play endeavor, making it easy for anyone to obtain the coins and participate in the consensus; one question is permanently in the discourse for as long as I can remember. And I have been around since about 2015.

The need for the mobile-friendly solution. Mobile minting.

The ever-lasting question on how to implement this and properly allow even more people to easily participate in the consensus. Peercoin is the peer-to-peer coin, after all. Many users do not use a desktop computer at all, many do not have access to a stable internet connection, many are continuously on the move without a permanent residence. It is not easy for everyone to participate in the consensus. A solution is required that allows users to keep a mobile-first workflow.




Free thinker. Armchair analyst. Peercoin project Lead.